SATS revision - Useful links
Great websites for Year 6
I have highlighted my top reccomendations
There are also tests and useful documents below.
We use this book/guide in class and it is fantastic. They also have a YouTube channel where they will post weekly videos tackling SATS questions right up to SATS week. (This is a fantastic resources)
Arithmetic -
This website has lot's of practice papers for the arithmetic SATs Test (with answers). Great for practice at home
Times Tables Rockstars - - We have also invested in pupil licenses for Times Tables Rockstars. Children can enter the Garage or Arena sections of either the website or the app and practise their times tables revision at home. Each has been set according to your child's specific needs. They do have logins for this
Corbett Maths - revision practise -
BBC Bitesize
- Bitesize - Mathematics - Handling Data You can do a lot with the information you find. Learn about understanding and presenting data in this section. Includes frequency diagrams, mean, mode and median and probabiltiy.
- Bitesize - Mathematics - Shape, space and measure.Find out about angles, lines and graphs. Important shapes and useful everyday measurements are also covered.
- Bitesize - Mathematics - Number workActivities to support work on decimals, fractions, percentages, operations and much more!
Mathematics - Crickweb Interactive games to develop skills in all areas of maths.
Maths Online Games - Lots of fun, interactive games to develop skills in all areas of maths.
Maths Revision Series of activities to aid SATs revision covering previous SATs paper questions.
Mathematics Skills Revision Sample questions covering all areas of the Year 6 Mathematics Curriculum.
SATS Revision Past SATS paper for English and Mathematics
BBC Bitesize
- Bitesize - Spelling and grammar Poor spelling and grammar can be really confusing! A good understanding of spelling and grammar will make you a better writer, reader and all round communicator. Help with nouns, adjective, punctuation and lots more !
- Bitesize - Writing Writing is an important part of communicating with others. You need to write in a way your reader can easily understand what you are trying to tell them. Use this site to write in different genres.
- Bitesize - Reading Reading fiction and non fiction texts including adverts, dictionaries and poetry. Learn how to look at language, layout and meaning.
Literacy - Crickweb Range of interactive games to support learning in all areas of literacy.
Hangman -
Spellings Useful website to support with spelling
Literacy Printable Literacy revision activities.
Dictionary and Thesaurus Work Use your dictionary to complete these online activities.
CGP books online – You may have seen this books before and we use them sometimes in class but they also offer 10minute SATS practice tests.
Education quizzes- A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.