Year 6 2024 - 2025

Ms Howarth


Our Year 6 Team:

Class Teacher: Miss Howarth 

Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Wilde

Additional class support Teaching Assistants: Miss Brown and Mrs Nicholson

PPA Cover: Mrs Allton 

A very warm welcome to our Year 6 class page where you will find some general information about our wonderful class! In Year 6, we embrace challenges and make learning fun by following the ' Golden Rules' which are; 

Be Ready 

Be Respectful 

Be Safe

General Information: 

In Year 6, we continue to grow and learn more about the people we want to become as we take on more responsibility, develop more independence and prepare for secondary school. We continue to take on new challenges and learn about the world around us to become well-rounded members of society. We consolidate key skills and knowledge in preparation for National Standerdised testing (KS2 SATS) to showcase some of our academic skills. In Year 6, we will reach high, work as a team and make memories to last a lifetime! 


Homework will be set each week in accordance with our homework policy. The childen will usually be set English, Maths and Reading based homework. This may change due to the needs of the children or when preparaing for SATs. All details regarding homework will be shared each week on Class Dojo but children will be expected to take note of homework details in class and be independent and organised in preparation for high school (Do not detentions will be given in Year 6 :). 

Reading will also be monitored and checked on a daily basis and it is expected that your child reads each day to help them achieve their best. The children also have access to ReadTheory which is an online reading comprehension tool. 

Homework will be set on Fridays and handed in the following Wednesday so it can be marked and ready to be sent back out on Friday. The children will have a homework book/ folder and this will be handed out during the first week. 

SPRING B ONWARDS- Homework will not be compulsary or monitored but a homework menu will be given as a suggestion as begin to move closer to SATS. 


Please see the uniform policy for details regarding the PE kit. The children may come to school wearing their PE kits on the day of their PE lessons. The children may also wish to bring hygiene products to use before or after PE- if this is case, please do not bring in any aersols, roll ons are acceptable. Any jewellery will need to be removed and long hair tied back. Any questions please speak to Miss Howarth.  

Our PE days for Autumn term 1 are Monday and Thursday but we will try to be active most days.

PE days for Srping A are Monday and Thursday 

PE days for Spring B are Monday and Wednesday 

In addition to PE, the children have access to OPAL at both break and lunch times where they can take part in a range of activities including role play, playing on the tyres, den building, the dig pit, navigating the maze, scooters, organised ball games, small world and much more. The children will need to bring in wellies and waterproof clothing. This needs to be labelled and can remain in school. Once the clothing has been used it will need to be stored in the outdoor sheds so labelling and providing a bag is essential. 


All school communications will be through Class Dojo however, you can always speak to a member of staff at the door on drop off or pick up times. If you wish to discuss something in more detail, please either book a time slot with myself or through the office. This just means we can discuss it properly as my prioirty is always greeting the children or seeing they get home saftley at drop off and pick up times :). 

This page will be updated throughout the year. 

We hope you find this page useful but if you do require any further support please do not hesistate to ask.

The door is always open, 

Miss  Howarth and the Year 6 Team x. 

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Files to Download

Year 6: Events items

Young Voices, by Mrs Boughey

SATS week, by Mrs Boughey

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Middleforth Primary School

Hill Road South
Off Marshall's Brow

T: 01772 746024


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