Holiday Requests
Statutory regulations on school attendance allow the school to grant a leave of absence for up to a two week period if the absence has to be unavoidably taken during term time. This is not an entitlement and the school strongly advises that children are required to be in school as much as possible. I would ask parents not to use this option unless it is absolutely unavoidable so as to give your child their best chance of accessing their full curriculum entitlement and making the expected progress. If children are taken out of school for family holidays, they will undoubtedly miss out on work in class and are unlikely to catch up when they return. The school does not provide work for children when they are absent form school except when they have a long term illness. Requests for absence beyond two weeks in term time in any educational year (September – August) must be made to the Governing Body.
Holiday Request Forms are available from the School Office.