PE & Sports Premium
PE and Sport Premium
At Middleforth C of E Primary School, we understand the impact that physical activity can have on the mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of a person.
Therefore, in Physical Education, we aim to provide high-quality lessons that inspire all children, including the least active, to succeed and excel. Through this, it is our intention to help develop their physical health and fitness, as well as a growing understanding of the benefits of an active lifestyle. We long to nurture every child in order for them to develop their character, have a love for physical activity and an enjoyment of an active lifestyle, both now and into the future.
Physical Education will develop pupil’s physical competence, confidence and resilience through a combination of entitlement and choice of activity. Physical education provides pupils with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Pupils learn how to think in different ways and make decisions in response to creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to reflect on their performance, plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve the quality of their work.
What is Primary School Sports Funding?
For a number of years the government has allocated additional extra funding to all primary schools in order to improve PE and Sports provision for all pupils so that they develop pupils’ ability to understand and work towards achieving a healthy lifestyle.
Purpose of study of the national curriculum for physical education (2014) state:
A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
What does PE look like at Middleforth?
At Middleforth each year group has 2 sessions of PE each week. We follow Lancashires PE passport scheme of work. The PE Passport is simply unique! The quality within its content; the breadth of coverage and its portability makes it ideal. Written and designed by primary school teachers and leaders with PE specialism and years of experience of teaching PE.
Within the PE Passport schools have access to a full curriculum of engaging, interactive P.E lessons for each year group with each lesson containing clear, progressive learning objectives; differentiated activities and videos to support the narrative.
We are also really value the importance of swimming therefore we have a pool on site (temporary for 6 weeks) at school and every class, inclusing nursery have a session swimming each week for the second half of spring term. Last year was our first year doing this and the impact on the childrens confidence and therefore swimming was huge therefore we are continuing with this again this year.
Clubs, competitions and extra currular
At Middleforth we offer a wide range of inclusive sports clubs througout the year including;
Tag Rugby
We also attend many South Ribble sporting competitions that cover these sports and more! The children are given their opportinuty to thrive, learn and enhance skills, be part of an inclusive team and represent our school.
Playground Leaders
At Middleforth, we have now implemented our very own 'Playground Leader' scheme.
Pupils from our year 5 classes have been selected to become 'Playground Leaders.
There Job:
- Ensure that other pupils are safe on the playground.
- Lead and teach playground games to other pupils that can be enjoyed with equipment and without equipment.
- Offer supported and companionship to others on the playground.
- Keep our playground tidy.
Our Playground Leaders, attended training in order to hone their skills and learn their new role.